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           THE PROGRAM


My workouts will push you, and they will challenge you, but they will never be outrageous and unrealistic for your personal abilities. You will get soar, but remember: if you don't sweat and you don't feel a healthy burn, then you haven't done anything to challenge your muscles and improve your athletic abilities. Always strive to challenge yourself and I will be there to support you and push you enough to complete your workouts to your fullest potential and succeed in reaching your goals. Individual training is available in single sessions or packages.  

           MUSCLE TONE


Everyone has a different body type and every type of workout plan will affect the defintion of your muscles. Some plans can make muscles look very defined and noticable, and others can make muscles leaner and less buldgy, but also defined in a less dramatic way. Weight lifting and cardio exercises work hand in hand. No one likes cardio, but it is an important component for any athlete or potential athlete.

           CORE STRENGTH


People have the common misconception that if they do 1000 situps every day they will get washboard abs. Actually, a big part of core strength and conditioning is cardio. Situps and only ab workouts do build muscle but it lies under a layer of fat, so the cardio is what burns the fat and allows the other muscle stimulating exercises show visible effect. With my programs, there will be various types of cardio exercises provided to compliment each individual and their abilities.   

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