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About Us

Hello everyone! My name is Michelle Pazin and my job is to give you a workout and plan to best suit your goals and lifestyle. I am now affiliated with Xsport fitness in Niles, IL and this is definitely the type of gym you want to find yourself training at. The facility is fully equipped with everything you need in order to achieve optimal results. With my help, personal consultation (given before a client starts their program), and your hard work and commitment, each day you will be one step closer to becoming a better and healthier you. This is all about realizing what you want to achieve and creating a lifestyle that revolves around making your fitness goals become a reality.



I provide a variety of services. Whether you are a boxer, football player, soccer player, etc., I can create personalized workout plans to fit your goals. Each client will receive a consultation with me to discuss what those goals are and what kind of plan to create fitting your daily activity level, experience, restrictions, etc. 


Also, I will provide nutritional advise for clients to help them better achieve their goals. 

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